
The Sharks offer a number of clinics for its players throughout the season. Some of the clinics are age- or team-specific, but there are opportunities throughout the season for beginners in Tiger Sharks, all the way up to our U19 players.

What types of clinics do we offer?

  1. Power Skating
  2. Stick-and-Puck
  3. Shooting Clinic
  4. Stick Handling Clinic
  5. Goalie Clinic
  6. Pond Hockey Tournament


What time of the year does this program run?

We offer different clinics throughout the season and there are Stamford clinics in the off-season.


Where are clinics typically held?

Terry Conners Rink

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is able to register for clinics?

We offer different clinics throughout the year. Some are open to all SYHA skaters, while there are more developmental or travel options. The registrations for all clinics will highlight who the clinics are designed for.

Lady Sharks / SYHA Girls Clinic

Join us for a free clinic focused on our girl players. 

What to expect:
- On-ice instruction from our coaches. 
- Sacred Heart Division 1 Women hockey players are expected to join us!! 
- Drills and games designed to improve skating, puck handling, and shooting
- A chance to meet other girls who love hockey!!!

The clinic is designed for our players ranging from Tiger Sharks to U14 within both travel and house programs. 

Pizza will be provided afterward!

Date: Tuesday, February 18th
Time: 7:10-8:10PM

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